Sponsorships are here! The dust has settled from start-up and we are excited to announced new opportunities to engage in supporting Augusta Hills LRCC by becoming a sponsor! (Sponsorships offer a way for businesses who support our mission to advertise in the center.)

The Board of Directors has approved a variety of "naming" options throughout the facility that provide signage on which sponsors can promote their business and/or honor a family, friends, or others.
Room Sponsorships
Space named after sponsor, with plaque/signage outside room
Designation as an official sponsor in marketing materials/social media/press releases using this venue
20% discount on rentals of that room during the length of the sponsorship
First rights of refusal at renewal time
Multiple spaces and sponsorship levels available
Banner Sponsorships
To be placed on four corners of the walking track, on side facing gym floor
Includes cost of banner (no additional banner fee for sponsor)
Sponsors receive first rights of refusal at renewal time
Multiple banner sizes and sponsorship levels available
Program Sponsorships
Designation as an official sponsor in all social media/press releases/advertising related to the program, based on sponsorship level
Depending on the program, signage may be present at the program/event
Verbal recognition during the program session(s)
Frequency of recognition and size of signage dependent on sponsor level
Sponsorship levels for all budgets